In candle-making art, typically two types of wax are used: Soy-Wax candles and Paraffin wax candles. Another type is also used, which is known as Soy Blend wax candles. In this article, we discuss the candle making wax comparisons and the differences to provide some enlightenment to you. The selection of the wax also plays an essential role in determining the health factor as each type of wax has a different impact on health.
Candle-making is an art that requires skill and knowledge about the ingredients to be used in it. It is not just the amalgamation of wax and fragrance; instead, what determines its quality is selecting a suitable wax.
Candle Making Wax Comparisons – What You Need To Know
Soy Wax
The candles made of soy wax are safer as they emit no black soot and are safer for the user as they pose no threat to the lungs. This type of wax is a natural product and is renewable. This is produced from soybean oil.
It is eco-friendly and possesses neither any additives in them nor any blended products that cause allergies. Hence it produces no petroleum-based black soot and is safer.
Although some people have the notion that blended ones have greater longevity, it is just a myth. In the case of soy vs. soy blend candles, pure soy wax candles last longer.
While preparing it, if it is poured at the right temperature, it produces excellent texture and offers adhesion to the wall surface of the glass. The candle maker need not even preheat the glass jars because of the low freezing point of soy, so it can be poured gradually. The soy wax candles are primarily manufactured in The USA.
However, it is pretty challenging to make candles with soy wax because it cannot hold the fragrance or color. Moreover, it is not much flexible, and so it must be poured into the glass at an optimum temperature; otherwise, it may produce gas or cracks in the surface.
- No harmful toxins or chemicals
- Made of natural ingredients
- No unwanted smells
- No soot
- Burns fast
- Not easy to confer shape
Soy Blend Wax (Soy & Paraffin)
The paraffin and soy blend wax burns quickly due to the presence of paraffin, while the semi-gloss or opaque look and texture are pleasant because of the presence of soy. Again the 1.6oz./lb of fragrance also lasts longer without any inclusion of additives.
In this case, a pouring temperature of around 170 degrees has to be maintained. This also confers good adhesion to the sidewalls and possesses a strong fragrance. The semigloss texture offers a smooth, creamy appearance to it.
However, we can not deny the presence of paraffin in it and the petroleum-based content in it makes it harmful. It causes serious health hazards like cancer, reproductive issues, and congenital disabilities.
This is poisonous and should be kept away from food, unlike pure soy wax. The candle-making companies try to use blended ones to get the benefits of both soy and paraffin, but they seem to ignore the harmful impacts.
- Burns easily
- Fragrance lasts longer
- No additives needed
- Good texture and appearance
- Causes severe health hazards
- Poisonous if eaten
Paraffin Wax
Since early ages, this was mainly used for making candles. It is obtained through the refining process of lubricating oil. Being a petroleum-based product, it comes from fossil fuels that go through extensive methods of blending and processing. Other components are also added to it.
This is also quite versatile, and it can hold color and fragrance. For making paraffin wax candles, the glass is needed to be preheated as it reaches the freezing point fast and quickly solidifies. Moreover, the top of the jar has to be heated as well so that the wax can be leveled out when it cools. It lacks proper sidewall adhesion.
It is highly dangerous for health as inhalation may cause cancer, and it should not be consumed as it can not be digested. Unfortunately, candlemakers ignore these problematic aspects and mainly use this for candle making to reduce production costs.
- Lasts longer
- Holds color and fragrance
- It is waterproof
- It can be shaped into any form
- Secretes toxic fumes
- Causes Cancer
Candle Making Wax Comparisons Bottom Line
Studying all three options, you can say that using pure soy wax is the safest option for use at home as it is environment-friendly and health-friendly. Even though it is much easier and cost-effective to make candles with paraffin, its health hazards make it an unsafe option.
Hence, many consumers opt for ordinary soy wax candles despite their lack of fragrance-holding ability.
Many candle makers try to mix the two ingredients, soy, and paraffin to attain the best qualities. Still, it does not wholly eradicate the health issues associated with the use of paraffin. Ideally, the wax that ensures clean burning without any soot should be chosen.