We dive into arts and crafts ideas for classroom decoration – 11 creative ideas! As a teacher, you already have a million responsibilities on your shoulders. Attempting to decorate the classroom on top of all those activities may seem like too much work for most people. However, it can help make the place a lot more interesting and inspirational.
Consider this: You and your students are going to be spending a significant chunk of your day in class. Do you want to spend the entire time looking at bare walls? Whether you’re teaching kindergarten or high school, decorating the classroom can add a lot of character. It will also make your students look forward to coming to class every day.
Arts and Crafts Ideas For Classroom Decoration – 11 Creative Ideas
If you are wondering how to decorate a classroom, a good idea is to turn to arts and crafts. In addition to decorating the classroom, it will give you a fun activity to engage in. Depending on the class level or subject you teach, you can also involve your students to help you decorate the classroom. This will lead to the class decoration reflecting your students’ tastes and personalities.
Following are some great arts and crafts ideas for class decorations to consider.
1. Squares with Concentric Circles
If you’re teaching a kindergarten class, you should definitely try to involve your students in decorating the classroom. However, it is necessary to keep things simple as you don’t want to overwhelm the kids. A simple way to introduce them to shape is to teach them how to make squares with concentric circles. It is a simple and engaging activity that can encourage kids to tap into their creativity. And once they’re done, you can hand the drawings and paintings on the walls for some unique decor.
2. Hand Tracing
Another fun arts and crafts activity for kindergarten students is hand tracing. You’d be surprised at how many things can be drawn within the outline of your hands. From trees to animals, kids can draw a variety of things using the outline of their hands. You can help them by giving them ideas or simply letting their creativity flow. You never know what the kids might create. Of course, don’t forget to hang their creations on the wall.
3. Decorate The Entrance
Decorating the entrance of your class can help create a good first impression. Irrespective of what grade you teach, a welcoming entrance can help you start the class on the right foot. There is no limit to how you can decorate the door. A creative welcome sign is one of the easiest ways you can go about this. But if you’re creative enough, you can design elaborate such as trees, the solar system, or things related to your subject. You can also make the door into the face of an animal, with its limbs and body painted on the wall.
4. Crafty Quotes
If you’re teaching a higher-level class, such as an older middle school or high school, painting animals may not be the best way to decorate the class. Instead, you can create an environment that will inspire young adults. You can cut out words and letters from magazines, posters, and newspapers to create unique messages. These messages can be anything from inspirational quotes to words of affirmation. Hang these around the class to help your students stay motivated throughout the day.
5. Add Color to the Trash Can
One thing that a lot of kids struggle with is putting trash in its right place. Decorating the trash can will help encourage the students to use it as needed. You can simply add some color to the trash cans by sticking different shapes cut out of colored paper on it. Or you could make something craftier, such as this dragon trash can that looks like you’re putting trash in a dragon’s mouth.
6. Make Space for a Reading
If your class doesn’t already have a reading corner, it is time to change that immediately. You can add some beanbags, cushions, or comfy chairs in this corner. Not only will it encourage your students to read, but it will also give them a space to escape for a couple of minutes when things get tiring. To make it more inspiring, you can make posters with famous book quotes to hang around this corner.
7. Weave Wall Hangings
If you’re into weaving, you can weave some unique wall hangings for your classroom. It is a simple yet effective way of making your classroom more interesting. Depending on what class you’re teaching, you can also get your students to participate in the activity. Teach them how to weave and then encourage them to hang their weavings around the classroom.
8. Hanging Books
When decorating a class, a lot of people tend to forget the ceiling. Don’t make that mistake. The ceiling can be decorated in a lot of ways, and it would be a shame if you let such a huge space go to waste. Hanging books on the ceiling makes for a unique ceiling decoration and works for just about any classroom. All you need is some old books, metal or fish wires, and some ceiling hooks. Loop the wires around the spine of the books and attach them to the ceiling hooks.
9. Clouds and Precipitation
Another interesting way to decorate the ceiling is to give it the look of the sky. You can create some cardboard clouds and some paper droplets. Attach the droplets to the clouds using fish wires and hang them on the ceiling to make it look like it is raining.
10. Birds on Windows
If you want to give your class a more nature-like feel, you can also add some birds to the windows. You don’t need to be too elaborate while creating the birds. Just make some silhouettes of birds using papers of different colors and stick them on the window. To give it a more realistic feel, you can cut out thin wires out of paper and stick them where the birds’ feet should be. This will help give the illusion that the birds are at a distance.
11. Themed Classroom
An easy way to get arts and crafts ideas for class decoration is to add a theme to your class. If you want your class to look a certain way, your brain will automatically start producing ideas to achieve that. The theme could be anything you like, such as superheroes, pirates, Disneyland, Harry Potter, the animal kingdom, and winter wonderland. The possibilities are basically endless. You can also take a poll in class and ask your students for ideas on what the classroom theme should be.
Arts and Crafts Ideas For Classroom Decoration – 11 Creative Ideas! Wrapping Up
So make use of these arts and crafts ideas for class decorations to add new life to your class. Have fun and even get the students to help with a few projects. Soon, you’ll see the positive effects it has on your students.