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Leslie Miller

how to seal a diamond art painting

How to Seal a Diamond Art Painting

Diamond art painting, also known as diamond painting or 5D diamond painting, has become a popular and enjoyable craft for many art enthusiasts. With that in mind, we’ll present you with a step-by-step guide on how to seal a diamond art painting.

amazing teachers adapting to online education

Amazing Teachers Adapting to Online Education

As we battled our way through the Covid pandemic many schools around the world were forced to take their teaching online. In this article, we list some of our top picks when it comes to amazing teachers adapting to online education.

best diamond art painting kit for beginners

8 Best Diamond Art Painting Kits for Beginners

Are you a budding artist or just feeling creative? Look no further than diamond art painting! It’s a fantastic craft that combines painting by numbers with the sparkle of rhinestones, creating stunning masterpieces that are sure to impress. In this article, we present the top 8 diamond art painting kits for beginners

Ful Drill vs Partial Drill Diamond Art

Full Drill vs. Partial Drill Diamond Art: What’s the Difference?

Diamond painting has taken the crafting world by storm, offering a unique and relaxing way to create stunning, sparkling artwork. If you’re new to diamond painting, you might have come across the terms “full drill” and “partial drill.” These two techniques are the foundation of this beautiful craft, and understanding their differences is crucial for your artistic journey. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the contrast between full drill vs. partial drill diamond art,

best deep pour epoxy resins

Best Deep Pour Epoxy Resins

Choosing the right epoxy resin for your deep pour project is an important decision because once you’ve poured the resin there’s no turning back. Hours of craftsmanship could be ruined in an instant if the deep pour epoxy resin you choose is not up to scratch. We review here, the best deep pour epoxy resins available.

beginner's guide to diamond painting

Beginner’s Guide to Diamond Painting

Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to Diamond Painting! If you’ve ever wondered about this fascinating craft and wanted to try your hand at creating sparkling, gem-like artwork, you’re in the right place.

5 Best Paint by Numbers Websites

5 Best Paint by Numbers Websites

Are you passionate about art but unsure where to start? Paint by numbers is a fantastic way to channel your creativity and produce stunning artwork, even if you’re a beginner. In this article, we will present the 5 Best Paint by Numbers Websites, carefully selected based on their quality, selection, ease of use, and customer satisfaction.

beginner's guide to wire wrapping

Beginner’s Guide to Wire Wrapping

The popularity of wire wrapping as a jewelry-making technique keeps rising. That doesn’t come as a surprise since the craft is relatively easy. In this article, we present a beginner’s guide to wire wrapping to educate you on what you neredd including a few products to get you started.

best button and pin makers

20 Best Button and Pin Makers

We are pleased to present the 20 best button and pin makers in this article. There are several brands of pin-making machines on the market, and not all of them will meet your needs.