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DIY Wall Decor with Picture Frames

DIY wall decor with picture frames

DIY wall decor is an excellent way to personalize your home and add a touch of creativity to your living space. One popular project is making DIY wall decor with picture frames. Picture frames are versatile and can be used in a variety of ways to create unique and eye-catching wall decor.

There are countless ways to use picture frames in DIY wall decor projects. You can create a gallery wall by hanging a collection of frames in different shapes and sizes, or use a single large frame as a focal point for your wall decor. You can also get creative with the contents of the frames, such as displaying photos, artwork, or even pressed flowers. The possibilities are endless when it comes to DIY wall decor with picture frames.

Creating your own DIY wall decor with picture frames is not only a fun and creative project, but it can also be an affordable way to add a personal touch to your home decor. With a little creativity and some basic supplies, you can create a one-of-a-kind piece of wall art that reflects your unique style and personality.

DIY Wall Decor with Picture Frames – What You Need to Know

Choosing the Right Picture Frames

When it comes to DIY wall decor with picture frames, choosing the right frame is crucial. The right frame can enhance the beauty of your photo or artwork and make it stand out. Here are a few things to consider when choosing the right picture frames:


The material of the frame is perhaps the most important factor to consider. Wood frames are the most common and come in a variety of finishes, such as natural wood, stained wood, and painted wood. DIY wooden picture frames are a popular choice for those who want to customize their frames. Metal frames are also an option and can provide a sleek, modern look.


Make sure to choose a frame that is the right size for your photo or artwork. A frame that is too small can make your artwork look cramped, while a frame that is too large can overwhelm the artwork. Consider adding a mat to your frame to create a border around your artwork and give it a more polished look.


The color of your frame should complement the colors in your photo or artwork. Consider the dominant colors in your piece and choose a frame that matches or complements them. For example, if your photo has warm tones like red, brown, or orange, a darker wood frame like mahogany or walnut would be a good choice. Cooler tones like blue, green, or lavender pair well with lighter wood frames like oak or pine.


The style of your frame should match the style of your photo or artwork. For example, a rustic or vintage photo would look great in a distressed wood frame, while a modern photo would look better in a sleek metal frame. Consider the overall aesthetic of your room and choose a frame that fits in with the decor.

DIY Picture Frames

If you’re feeling crafty, consider making your own DIY picture frames. There are plenty of tutorials online that can guide you through the process. DIY picture frames can be customized to fit your specific needs and can be a fun and rewarding project.

Overall, choosing the right picture frames is key to creating beautiful DIY wall decor. Consider the material, size, color, and style of your frame to ensure that it complements your photo or artwork and fits in with the overall aesthetic of your room.

Preparing Your Frames

Before you start creating your DIY wall decor with picture frames, it’s important to prepare your frames. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Clean Your Frames

First, make sure your frames are clean and free of dust and debris. You can use a damp cloth or a can of compressed air to clean them. This will ensure that paint or other materials adhere properly to the surface.

2. Choose Your Finish

Decide on the finish you want for your frames. You can leave them as is for a natural look, or you can paint, stain, or add other finishes to them. Consider using chalkboard paint to create a functional and stylish surface, or apply a vinyl decal for a unique design.

3. Paint Your Frames

If you decide to paint your frames, choose a color that complements your decor. You can use spray paint or brush-on paint. Be sure to apply multiple thin coats for an even finish, and let each coat dry completely before applying the next.

4. Add Washi Tape

Washi tape is a versatile and easy way to add color and pattern to your frames. You can use it to create stripes, geometric shapes, or other designs. Simply apply the tape to the frame in the desired pattern, and trim the edges with scissors.

5. Stain Your Frames

If you want to add a natural wood finish to your frames, consider using wood stain. Apply the stain with a brush or cloth, and wipe away any excess with a clean cloth. Let the stain dry completely before handling the frames.

By following these steps, you can prepare your frames for your DIY wall decor project and create a personalized and stylish display.

Creating a Shadow Box Frame

Shadow box frames are a great way to display 3D objects and memorabilia. They can be easily made at home with just a few materials. Here’s how you can create your own shadow box frame:

Materials Needed


  1. First, remove the backing and glass from the picture frame.
  2. Using the backing as a guide, measure and cut a piece of cardboard to fit inside the frame.
  3. Decide on the depth of your shadow box and cut strips of cardboard to the desired height. Use double-sided tape to attach the strips to the cardboard backing, creating a box-like structure.
  4. Arrange your objects inside the shadow box, securing them with double-sided tape if necessary.
  5. Place the glass back on top of the shadow box and secure it with the frame’s clips or tabs.
  6. Hang your shadow box on the wall using the frame’s hardware.

Creating a shadow box frame is a simple and affordable way to add some unique wall decor to your home. With just a few materials and some creativity, you can showcase your favorite objects in a stylish and personalized way.

DIY Wall Decor Ideas with Picture Frames

Adding a personal touch to your walls can be a creative and fun way to decorate your home. One of the easiest and most versatile ways to do this is by using picture frames. Here are some DIY wall decor ideas with frames that are sure to inspire you.

Handmade Decor

One of the simplest ways to use picture frames for DIY wall decor is to create a handmade decor. You can use frames to display your favorite quotes, prints, or even your own artwork. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your walls and showcase your creativity.


Another fun way to use picture frames for DIY wall decor is to create a wreath. You can use a circular frame and add greenery, flowers, or other decorative elements to create a unique and eye-catching piece. This is a great way to add a touch of nature to your walls and bring some color and texture to your decor.

Framed Canvas

If you have a blank wall that needs some love, consider creating a framed canvas. You can use a large frame and stretch the canvas over it, then paint or draw your own artwork. This is a great way to create a statement piece for your wall that is both personalized and unique.


Using frames to create shelves is another creative way to decorate your walls. You can use frames of different sizes and shapes to create a unique and functional display. This is a great way to showcase your favorite books, plants, or other decorative objects.

In conclusion, there are many DIY wall decor ideas with frames that you can try out. Whether you choose to create handmade decor, a wreath, a framed canvas, or shelves, using picture frames is a versatile and fun way to add a personal touch to your home decor.

Budget-Friendly DIY Wall Decor

If you’re looking to spruce up your walls without breaking the bank, DIY wall decor with picture frames is a great option. With a little creativity and some thrift store finds, you can create beautiful and unique wall art that won’t cost a fortune.

One budget-friendly idea is to create a gallery wall with mismatched frames. Look for frames at thrift stores or garage sales, and don’t worry if they don’t match perfectly. In fact, the variety of frames can add interest to your wall. You can paint the frames all one color for a cohesive look or leave them as is for a more eclectic vibe.

Another idea is to create a faux succulent wall art with picture frames. You can purchase faux succulents at most craft stores, and they come in a variety of colors and sizes. Simply arrange them in a frame, and you have a beautiful and low-maintenance piece of wall art.

If you’re feeling particularly crafty, you can create your own picture frames from scratch. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your wall decor, and it can be surprisingly affordable. There are many tutorials online that can walk you through the process of creating your own frames.

Overall, DIY wall decor with picture frames is a great way to add personality and style to your home without spending a lot of money. With a little creativity and some thrift store finds, you can create beautiful and unique wall art that will make your home feel like a reflection of you.

Attaching Your Frames to the Wall

After you’ve selected the perfect frames for your wall decor, it’s time to attach them to the wall. Here are some tips to make the process easy and stress-free.

Determine Placement

Before you start drilling or hammering, decide where you want to hang your frames. Use a level to ensure your frames are straight, and measure the distance between each frame to ensure they are evenly spaced.

Preparing the Wall

If you’re hanging your frames on drywall, use a stud finder to locate the studs in the wall. This will give you a secure anchor point for your screws. If you can’t find a stud, use wall anchors to provide additional support.

Attaching the Frames

There are several methods for attaching frames to the wall, including using nails, screws, or picture hangers. If you’re using screws, pre-drill holes in the wall to avoid splitting the wood.

Alternatively, you can use wood glue to attach small frames to the wall without drilling any holes. Simply apply a small amount of wood glue to the back of the frame and press it firmly against the wall for several minutes until it dries.

Using a Power Drill

If you’re using screws to attach your frames, a power drill can make the process much easier. Use a drill bit that is slightly smaller than the diameter of your screw to create pilot holes in the wall. This will make it easier to screw in the screws and prevent the wood from splitting.

DIY Wall Decor with Picture Frames – Final Thoughts

Attaching picture frames to the wall can be a simple and straightforward process with the right tools and techniques. Whether you’re using a power drill or wood glue, take your time to ensure your frames are securely attached and level.

Decorating Your Frames

Once you have your picture frames, it’s time to decorate them to match your décor and personal style. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Clothespins

Clothespins are a versatile and inexpensive way to add some character to your frames. You can paint them, wrap them in twine, or cover them with patterned washi tape. Then, simply clip them onto your frame to hold photos or other small items.

2. Postcards

Postcards are a great way to add some color and interest to your frames. You can use them as-is or cut them down to fit your frame. To attach them, use a glue stick or double-sided tape.

3. Washi Tape

Washi tape is a decorative tape that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. It’s perfect for adding some flair to your frames. You can use it to create a border around your photo or to cover the entire frame.

4. Paint

Paint is a simple and effective way to transform your frames. You can use spray paint or acrylic paint to change the color of your frame. You can also use stencils to create patterns or designs on your frame.

5. Fabric

Fabric is another great way to add some texture and color to your frames. You can use a hot glue gun to attach the fabric to your frame. You can also use fabric to create a mat for your photo.

With these ideas, you can create beautiful and unique wall décor using picture frames. Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different materials and techniques to find what works best for you.

DIY Wall Decor with Picture Frames FAQs

What are some creative ways to display picture frames on a wall?

There are many creative ways to display picture frames on a wall. You can create a gallery wall by grouping frames of different sizes and shapes together. You can also create a grid of frames by arranging them in a uniform pattern. Another option is to use floating shelves to display frames in a layered effect.

How can I make my own DIY picture frames?

There are many ways to make your own DIY picture frames. You can use materials such as wood, cardboard, or even old books to create unique frames. You can also use washi tape or paint to add color and personality. There are many tutorials available online that can guide you through the process.

What are some inexpensive materials I can use to make DIY wall decor with picture frames?

There are many inexpensive materials you can use to make DIY wall decor with picture frames. You can use scrapbook paper, fabric, or even old maps to create unique backdrops for your frames. You can also use twine or ribbon to create a hanging display.

What are some tips for arranging a gallery wall of picture frames?

When arranging a gallery wall of picture frames, it is important to consider the overall layout and balance. You can start by laying out the frames on the floor to get a sense of how they will look together. It is also important to consider the spacing between frames and the overall color scheme.

How can I use picture frames to add personality to a room?

Picture frames can be a great way to add personality to a room. You can use frames to display family photos, artwork, or even inspirational quotes. By choosing frames that reflect your personal style, you can create a unique and personalized space.

What are some unique DIY ideas for decorating with picture frames?

There are many unique DIY ideas for decorating with picture frames. You can create a shadow box by adding objects such as seashells or dried flowers to a frame. You can also create a chalkboard frame by painting the glass with chalkboard paint. Another option is to use frames to create a DIY headboard for your bed.

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