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Jenna Boyer

best Fabric Glues and adhesives

Best Fabric Glues for DIY Mending

Here we provide our list of the 5 best fabric glues for DIY mending, that way the next time you wish to repair or attach clothes or fabric despite not having a sewing machine, you can reach for the glue.

board games for elementay school kids

10 Best Board Games for Elementary School Kids

Finding the right board games for elementary school kids can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s crucial to choose games that are not only entertaining but also beneficial for their development. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best board games for elementary school kids

woods for pyrography

Woods for Pyrography

Pyrography is the process of creating photographs by burning them on to a wood surface. It has existed as an art form since antiquity, and while instruments and materials have evolved, the fundamentals of Pyrography have not. Here, we discuss the best woods for pyrography.

6 Best Lighting Options for Online Use

6 Best Lighting Options for Online Use

With the recent pandemic having reshaped global education overnight, it’s made the fact that online teaching is more cost-effective in their stay-at-home clothes apparently. It may not be more effective, though we can all agree the online classroom is here to stay. In that spirit, we present the 6 Best Lighting Options for Online Use whether that is a classroom, video recording, Zoom call, or something else.